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Friday, September 18, 2009

Today's Assembly

Today, we saw an assembly about respect. Tell about the assembly you saw, what the message from it was, and why it is important. Please write at least 7 sentences. Remember, sentences have correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Happy Friday!


  1. mallary b.
    The assembly we saw today was about respect,Bullies and free.It is important because it tells you how to deal with bullies.The guy that was doing this also told us about his life.He said that bullies picked on him.This was also a magic show and and it was very funny.It was the only assembly that was funny and included respect.I liked today's assembly.

  2. Taylor Hi my teacher told me to tell about the asscemable was about. The asscemable was about bullying and there were three tapys of bulling and one of those were vocaly. So it means you are calling names. The second one was phiscaly. So it would be kicking,punching,ect... The last one is sanding and doing nothing. So if you were being beat up noboad would help you. So I have told you about are asscembly so have a good weekend. Bey.

  3. jas-elen f

    today was asome we watched a magic storyteller and guess what one of our student's from our class named savanna m went up and did a trick in front of the whole entire school with the magic story teller he was so cool and he had a puppet frind one was a bully and the other one got urt by a bully he was so cool and so realistic hope u enjoyed what i have typed bye.

  4. Todays assembly was cool and funny.we had a good time and it was funny to us though.it was a magic show a good show if that.if it wasnt good to other students it was good tome but when he did something every one luaghed.thats how i thought that it was great becuase we mostly had a good time at the assembly.

  5. Hi my name is wesley

    And i am going to tell you about the assembly today. It was cool wen the majic man made balles come out of them cup thingy i think that is really cool. And the funest thing he did was he had puppes and they was really funny. I thought the duck was funny because i liked wen the duck stared to sing who let the dogs out. I thought that was the funest. The second funest was the bird the favoret part about that was that wen the bird took the mans hat off 2 times then the man ask us was that nice and we said no that was not nice so the man taled the bird to put the hat on the man so the bird tryed and the bird slaped the man with the hat and everybody stared to laghe because it was really funny.

  6. At todays assembly about respcect I saw puppets not showing respect and one showing respcet. The puppet that was showing no respcet was like a bully. The one that was showing respect was like the person getting bulled.

  7. Keri,

    Today we had an assembelly at school.Its title was the magic storyteller.It rocked. It was also kind of sad to because he said he got bullyed when hewas a kid.He had to friends and one was a duck the other was a regular bird they were really funny you should hav been there. He also said th bully became his frien in high school.So that was good Not finished yet.
