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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Keep on Gloggling!

For Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday's blog posts, create a glog and save it using the directions below.  If Ms. M. can see it on Monday when she logs in, then that will count for your blog posts for the week!  Have fun, be creative and appropriate for school please!  

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Glogster is an online tool where students can make posters for books they are reading.  We will begin practicing this today and then eventually, post our own!  Try it out! 

Please go to Create Glog to begin making yours!  If you need to log in at all:

Username: MsManonisClass
Password: Cartmell09


Friday, January 15, 2010

Social Studies Integration

In Social Studies, we have been talking about the life of the people from the three first settlements in North America- Jamestown, Roanoke, and Plymouth.  We have also been talking about conflict, compromise, and cooperation among groups of people like the settlers.  Tell about a time when you have seen one of those three types of ways people interact with each other.  Write at least five sentences.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Emotional Appeal

Oftentimes, persuasion appeals to people's emotions, especially anger and sadness.  Sometimes commercials or advertisements make people laugh.  This is emotional appeal.  Write two examples of emotional appeal that you have seen.  Also, write about a time where you have used emotional appeal to persuade someone to buy or do something for you.  Remember to use correct grammar and punctuation!

Monday, January 11, 2010


Define the persuasive technique of testimonial and give two examples of when you have seen it being used.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Persuasive Techniques

Bandwagon – this technique tries to persuade by letting you know everyone is buying the product and you better get on the bandwagon too, so you are not left out

In 7 sentences, try to persuade a person to do something or buy something with the bandwagon technique.  Remember, this idea makes the person feel like everyone else is doing something, so they should too.  Please remember appropriate grammar and punctuation!