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Monday, September 28, 2009


Today, you can write about whatever you want (appropriate for school, of course)! Please be sure you write at least 7 sentences. Use the link below for ideas if you need them.


  1. Keri,
    Today i would like to tell you about how excited I am about our second reward event of the year. we get to dance and play bingo we get to get our face painted, ooh I think I am going to get a panther.We also get to watch movies I wonder what we can watch I hope its a really good movie.I would also like to tell you about what I would like to do this summer I would like to ride a rollercoaster and go to a water park. I love summer.Its getting ready to turn winter then we can make snowmen. I like weather.

  2. ashley
    hi my name is ashley d.... o ya back to buissness. Have you ever been to cheer camp? well it is awsome. I will tell you that right now first you go change if you bring any close.then you go sit down and wait and while your waiting you can have social time with your friend. Then when your big sisters get ready you go have a snack. Big sisters are your tourests.Then you go thrue groups and do a whole bunch of fun one station is dance and another is where some of the high schoolers lift you up and so on once again it is awsome.

  3. Yesterday i rode a michanicial bull. It was hard. My hand got cut. My hand go tcaught when it was going. It hurt bad. But i didnt cry. It was at a church picknic.

  4. Today im going to write about pets. Pets are so cute well not all of them when they have mud and dirt all over them. Most house pets are cats,dogs,fishes,and small bird.But pepole don't have big pets like Hawks,Tigers, and loins. Well back a long time ago they used to have those pets.Some pepole who can't see have dogs so they don't get hurt.All of the pepole arcorss the world have pets big and small.

  5. [FALl]
    Hi my name is wesley and i am going to tell you about my fall break. this fall break i am going to go see my dad because i have noy sean my dad in 3 whole years and i really want to go see him really bad. my dad lives in ashlend kentuky my dad lives 3 hiurs away from my house. I was going to go see him this summer but his car broke doun and he lost his job but now he has a car and he has his job back. My dad works at the waffle house in ashlend. My dad lives in the country and he has a big yard to. my dad is the best dad in the whole in tarer wholed. my dad is so cool when i go to his house every fall break he gets me what ever i want.

  6. Tatiana P.
    this week is fall break we are all excited but there is still 5days of school left. also my class also has think link starting on wednesday-friday.We also have reward event on friday the last day before Fall break.My teacher is also afraid that we will not pay any attention on think link because of fall break and also because of reward event. But what i think is that my class is going to do awesome in think link.

  7. We have dance class at 7.00 to 8.00.So me and cheyenne have dance class again together. seens we are in the same grade so thats why we do dance class together.It will be much fun to do dance class it will be fun we mighit get to play a game.

  8. Mallary b.
    I want to write about my horse Babygirl. She is the greatest,but not all the time. Babygirl was in the parade with me and we got out of the High school enterance and the band started up.Babygirl didn't like the drums so she started bucking and so mom let me get off and run up to the float in the middle of the parade.My mom took her back and then my dad took her and stayed with her for 2 full hours.Me and my mom had fun on the float,but I wanted to be riding Babygirl.

  9. Jas-Elen F.

    Today is free write and today i am going to type about my animals at home. I have 6 animals at my house and most of them are cat's, i will tell u there names after i tell you a little bit about them. Well, one of the animals is a baby and he is very smart and he was named after a dog of my cusin's and his name is Jack and the other 2 are Mama Cat, and Bud he was named after Bud Light. Then i have my baby i call Fat Boy and if you want to know why he is called this well he was a big puffy ball when he was little.Our dogs name is Bleased and he is because he has got ran over by a simi, shot by a bebe gun, and ran over by a for wheeler and he is steel alive. My gold fishes name is called Cookie and he has beenalive sience i was 5 years old and when i was 5 i had 2 more but we think that Cookie eat them, but we were not for sure. i hope you enjoyed this whole paragraph about my animals because they mean very much 2 me. bye.

  10. Today Mrs.Evans was our substitute for half of the day. Mrs.Evans is a fun teacher to be around.She likes making scool fun for everyone. Mrs. Evans is my freind Abby`s mom. Mrs. Evans and my class did a lesson out of the Life Science textbook. The lesson was about natural resources.The good thing about Mrs.Evans is she works in my school.

  11. Wyatt

    I was at the tobacko festable I was In It.It took a long time till it started.It was okay but not the best.I had 2 bags full of candy.

  12. Deidra
    I went to october court day in mount sterling and it was great! There were all kinds of different booths that had all kinds of different things. They had great food. They had a booth that had a john deere cell phone case. I got it! It has the john deere sign with camo. It also has my name.Its cute.That was a fun day!

  13. Taylor My teacher did not get to post the blog today so she told us to free type. I am going to tell you about the pets. Well first of all we have lost alot of pets for the year. We lost a gecko and our hamster. So it is sad. Soon we will get a 2 more pets hopfuly so that won't be so bad. Well for now bey.

  14. I really enjoyed centers today. I thought iit was really exiting with a differnt class. I really like my group with deidra, whatt, Taylor and kaylee. I really like them because they are funny nice and helpful. If any of us are stuck on problens we help each other. I am glad we are doing centers differnt.
    Lauren Oak

  15. I am writing about my mom and dad the are the best you know! my dad plays ball with me and teachs me how to play sports better.My mom teachs me how to cook and she teachs me how to draw better!Things my mom and dad do together is they pick on me and my big ears!!!! Joshua Hendren

  16. I want to talk to you about how much I love sports.I am now playing basketball.This is my third year doing it.I also play softball.This year will be my second year playing.I have a passion for sports and love to get out and play.I love basketball and want to play it until I graduate.

  17. Mallary B.
    I have a horse named Babygirl.She is sick right now so I don't have a horse to ride. I think she just has a cold, but I hope it is nothing more than a cold. She is such a good horse and I don't want anything to happen to her. There is another horse that lives with Babygirl and her name is glory.Glory is 26 years old in our years. Babygirl is a very rare horse to me. She may not be rare to anybody else, but she is to me.

  18. I am going to tell you about mt.sterling.It is very fun and very cold.It pnly got up to 30 degrees at the lowest and highest tempacher was 40 only a 10 degree difrance wow.I bet your wondering what kinds of things you can see.In mount sterling you can see 4 phone towers and 3 water towers.You can also see lotsof big windy hills and you can see the little towns.I hope you can go next year hope to see you there.Brittany Lashae Stewart

  19. Ericah 10-19-09
    This weekend my cousins came to my house to spend the night. Vincente and I played my gamecube for two hours or so. I played outside with my cousins Vincente,Carlos and Sadie. The game we played was a game we call "Werewolf attack". We went to church for play practice. My cousin Bekah taught me the dance a song. My baby cousin Madie learned how to murmur some words.

    This weekend was fun and so will this weeks. <3 peace and fun
