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Friday, November 5, 2010

Our Favorite Book

Write a review of your favorite book, or a book that you like.  Give a short summary, the title, and the author.  Write at least 5 sentences.


  1. My favorite book is sharks!!!!!
    Did you know that their are 92 types of sharks in the world! The bullshark is the most agresives sharks in the world! They hunt at night! I have always loved sharks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. My faviort book series so far is "Among the Hidden". I like these books so much there are 5 books in the series.I have read so far is to the third one but the frist two were great so i imangion this one will be two.It about a boy named Luke that is the third child and where he lives theres only aloud to be 2 children so he has to hide in his attic.So one day he discovers two vents in the attic that lend to the outside world well he was looking out of one and he seen a face in one of the other house while everybody was gone.Luke thought about it for a long time then he thought I will sneak over to that house.when he finelly did he discovers another third child.Only she was a girl. Want to find out more read the series.

  3. my favorite book and author is jeff kinney book "diary of a wimpy kid" book a novel in cartoons.those are the funniest and most interesting books i ever read . in every single page you look at there is something funny.like in the fist page of that book there is a boy who said outta my way runts!" and knocks a boy down.and that is my favorite book and author .i hope you like my comment.

  4. One of my favorite books is Charlie and the Chocalate Factory. This books is by Roald Dahl. I like this book because I like cooking and this book is about the candy that Willy Wonka makes. But the story of this books is there is this little boy named Charlie. Charlie is very poor. They don't have a lot of money. But they seen in the newspaper that there is a contest. The contest says that there is five golden tickets in a candy bar from Willy Wonka. But those five golden tickets can be found all over the world. I don't want to give away the rest of the book just in case that you do want to read it.
