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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My hero is...

It is important for every person to have at least one person they want to be like and admire.  Please write at least five strong sentences about a person who is your hero.  Your hero can be someone you know, or a celebrity.  Begin with...My hero is...

Mrs. P's example:

My hero is my mother, who is a strong, supportive woman that I have admired my whole life.  She stands up for what she believes in, and supports me in everything I do.  Sometimes, she is hard on me, and it may make me mad, but she always helps me make the best choices and be a good person.  She does the right thing even when it is not popular.  I love her very much, and hope to be like her. 


  1. My hero is my brother Jake. When I was little we did almost everything together. When ever he was mad or sad I was the one to cheer him up. Same thing with me. but ever since he got engaged and moved to Tennessee, I don't get to see him that much any more. I wish I could have back with me again. I love him very much, and I always will.

  2. Well, I would say my hero is probably, my mom too. I mean shes always there for me. She is mean and yells at me sometimes, but when she does I need it! Other times she the nicest person in the world to me, she means the world to me. My mom is the best mom ever, when i grow up i want to be just like her!

  3. My hero is my teacher from utice.It was when my leg got stuck between two meatl bars.They tryed every thing but my would not budge.When this happend I was only five.Then a teacher came out with a stick of buter.Then she put buter around my leg and it came out and that was it.THE END

  4. My hero is my mom because she is in the nationalguared. And I have loved the ARMY sinces I was three. So thats why I picked my mom.

  5. My hero is Mrs.Kemper because she is smart,funny,and can be fun when teaching.So I wanted to be a teacher ever since i was in 3rd grade,that is why i picked Mrs.Kemper.

  6. I have a lot of hero's. They are my family. I love them a whole lot. They love me and I love them. They will always be there for me.

  7. My hero is my mom.I say that cause she gave brith to me. She is also the women who loved me and still does.She gave food,drinks,shelter,cloths,and most importantly her love. My mom is just so loveable. I will always love her.
