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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tornado Article

Read the article below about tornadoes, and write a one paragraph (at least six sentences) summary of what you have read.  Please remember that a summary is an overview of what you have read, not random specific details.


  1. history of tornado chasing. Ask anyone who studies tornadoes, and they'll tell you about that day—June 5, 2009—in southeast Wyoming. "We witnessed the life cycle of a strong tornado, from its birth to its death," says Wurman. "That is rare."

  2. Tornados can sometimes come out of nowhere. But,Scienctist invented high-tech instruments to chase tornados.Their mission is to learn how these fierce storms are born. Tornados are natures most powerful storms. They can produce fierce winds of 300 miles per hour. This is my summary of the Tornado Article

  3. Tatiana p. =-} L0VE ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥April 13, 2010 at 9:26 AM

    Tornadoes are natures most powerful storms. They can make fierce winds of 300 miles per hour. In March tornadoes ripped through central North Carolina, toppling trees and tearing down houses.So far this spring more than 50 tornadoes have hit the united states,according to the National Weather Service.The closer it came, the skinnier the tornado got, until the gray triangle looked like a swirly snake.Many tornadoes have hit many places like central north carolins.,but according to the National Weather there will be no tornadoes in May.

  4. Jas-Elen F.
    It was the hieght of tornado season in May, Scientists equipped with high-tech weather insturments. These scientists were on a mission. There mission was to learn how fierce the storms are born. These scientists were watching the tornado from the high-tech vehical and after a few minutes the scientists drove away. Did you kno that tornadoes are natures most powerful storms? Well, they are. So this is full six sentence summarry so so long bye and have a great day.for now, good

  5. Hi my name is Cody M and Im going to tell you about tornados they are made when hot and cold air chase each other around and around that makes a tornado the faster it gos the biger it gets.

  6. Hi my name is Cody M and I am going to tell you about tornado stranth can detyory a weak or even strong.

  7. it was about how the tornado seasons and how they form there way. Tornadoes are nature's most powerful storms. They can produce fierce winds of 300 miles per hour, that is really fast for a tornado. Also people can get very injured and even killed by tornados. the strength and size of a tornado is very powerful.

  8. hi ms. manoni! u havent emailed me so i decided 2 respond again! i miss u guys a lot. hopefully i will visit during the summer. email me back when u c this.
