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Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring Break!

Next week is Spring Break!  Tell about what you plan on doing for your week off.  Please write at least six sentences.


  1. I plan on going to my dads for the week. I may go to the park with my little brother's and sister. My step-Mom and I may go walking. I plan on having a wonderful, fun spring break! My dad and I might go to the old tree house and fix it up a little. Mostly I have planed to have the best week EVER!

  2. I plan to stay home all week and play games! My whole time is going to go to a few things. They are: Play Ds games,Family,and my pets. I have six pets and they are one cat, one dog, and four guinea pigs. My Ds lite is what i've been playing sense March 14. The game I have been is Pokemon Heart Gold!

  3. Cheyenne
    I have got no idea of what i am doing for spring break. I wish i could go to virgina to see my mawmaw. But my cousin Madison is going instead of me. Spring break will be kind of boring because my little cousin will not be there.Well so my spring break will be boring!!!!1

  4. I dont relly know wehat i am going to do for Spring Brake.I'll i'm goig to do is jest wach my fish and my fresh watter snail.My grandma was asking for Spring Brake to go to my aunts house.

  5. spring break is so awsome but it would be better if it would be summer so thats so thats all i got so bye

  6. Well on spring break was so fun because I won a race. And I got to go fishing with my parents and my mom and dad and me and my mom and dad.

  7. what i am going to do this spring is go to my frinds house and go viset my ant cinda far from here.Then i am going to the mall me,my mom also my cuzin named tori she can be wired somtimes but i love her.
