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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Persuasive Techniques

Bandwagon – this technique tries to persuade by letting you know everyone is buying the product and you better get on the bandwagon too, so you are not left out

In 7 sentences, try to persuade a person to do something or buy something with the bandwagon technique.  Remember, this idea makes the person feel like everyone else is doing something, so they should too.  Please remember appropriate grammar and punctuation! 


  1. Guess what its out with old computers and in with the new Laptops. I know your saying to your self my computer is fine well is it? Let me ask you a few qusitons can you take your computer anywere no. is it heavy yes but the laptops are not kids and adults love them and are buying them so you join the club.

  2. Band Wagan
    Band waga is when a person that perswads a reader to by something or do some thing,ill show you:You no how your face gets all broak out and all that,Now theres face Away it makes your face all clear and it makes it look how you want it to look. Ir you bye it now youll get another Free you will alsow get free shiping! So Call Now To Get Face Away for $28.99

  3. Hi Iam I.L for short and your luck is about to change with the new shirt that changes colers. So intead of the old shit that dont glow or do cool stuff try the new shirt that changes colers. If I famous person that you like wouldint you wear it or you see someone that you know or dont know and you see them happy would you wear it I would so buy your self the new,cool,sweet, shirt today

  4. Jas-Elen F.

    Do you have kids that always anoy you? Well,you just took a turn down lucky street. When your destrest and look a mess your kids can have fun by using the famous GOOEY OEY!You better order now before were all out, cause people all over the globe are buying Gooey Oey .Gooey Oey never dries out it stays the same and the best part is that Gooey Oey changes in 8 diffrent colors. The colors are Blue, Green, Red, Purple, Pink,Gold , Silver and marine blue. This is a collectable Goooey Oey and you can only get it now for 19.59 and get another set for 2.00 order now and you could have it all.

  5. Hi my name is Cody.Martinez and what is the deal with people trying to persuade you to by somthing that looks likes it could help you in your time of need.When you need a thing to make your foot stop hurting or if your sick they could have made a thing that makes you feel better.If you by it it my or my not work as go as you thought it might have sideffects or saying you must be 18 or older to by this prdoct.Well this is goodbye.

  6. bandwagon is were people buy things and that thing is really popeler and they say if you do noy get it you are not popeler so do not be friends with them then you feel left out and then you ask your parents if they can buy it for you and then they say it cost to much and then the people make fun of you and stuff and you do not have that thing that is why they do that because they have something that you don't and they have popeler friends now that they just start being mean to you and that is bandwagon.

  7. Hay have you ever seen a cormersial that there doing bandwagon well if you feel like buiying those things in tv well dont because there just making you remember it so you can buy it like those anoying comercial hefty bags well I hope you use my edvise

  8. Mallary B.
    Do you have an old computers, well if you do then you need to get rid of them like everybody else is. You need the X-treme pineapple. This computer has a digital camera and it has a free, I tell you free set of ipods to it. The ipods are for recording. You need this machine more than anyone else. Everone is gettin this now on sale for $300. So buy it now with free ipods.

  9. Do you need awesome music on your ipod? Well I can give you a better deal with the ipod music it comes with 50 free songs, and the music is some of the popular,and hottest music today it comes in pink,blue pupple,black,and green.

  10. Do you hate when cats scratch you couch. Well if you do call now and get the Claw cuter. The Claw cuter cuts the claws on the cat, so when the cat steps on the Claw cuter it will shave the claws so when the cat gets on the funercher the cat will not make cuts on the couch

  11. My name is Noah. I am going to persaude you to buy a bowflex. Do you want the muscles you have always dreamed of. Well now you can get them. try the bowflex free for six months.
