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Friday, November 6, 2009


This month, our character trait to focus on is RESPONSIBILITY.  Each of us is responsible for different things in all different parts of our lives.  Please write a sequence of events for one of your responsibilities.  It must include at least 4 steps that are written in complete sentences.  Make sure you use strong transitions.  Here is an example (please be original- do not copy the example!):

One of my responsibilities at home is to wash the dishes.  Here is how I complete my task:

First, I throw out any leftover food on the dishes.
Then, I  rinse the dishes off with warm water.
Next, I scrub the dishes with soap and a sponge.
After scrubbing, I rinse the dishes off again.
Finally, I dry the dishes and put them away.

This lets us see all of the different things we are responsible for, AND helps us realize how important using the correct sequence of events can be. 


  1. Taylor
    Iam going to tell you about my responsiblities. The frist one is that every day I have to feed my dog.The nex t thing I have to do is feed my cat. Then some time of the week I have to take out the garbage. Then I have to do my homework and then I am done with me stuff.Then I to go whach tv.So until next time bye

  2. Cheyenne
    One way i am responsible is, i clean my room when i am not asked so my room is always clean. A different way i am responsible is, i feed my cat, dog, hermet crabs, and fish everyday. Another reson i am responsible is, sometimes i cook a snack at home and i always clean up my mess. Also last but not least, the last reason i am responsible. I get all of my schoolwork done, i get my homework done, and i get good grades on my report card. So as you can see i am responsible because i keep my room clean, feed my cat, dog, hermet crabs, and fish, i clean up my mess when i am finished cooking, and i get good grades on my report card. I am responsible. Bye!! :)

  3. Mallary B.
    One of my responibilites at home is to feed my rabbits. This is how I do that: I start by going outside, then by getting her food and giving it to her,then I get her water and fill it up with water, then last I pet her, turn off the lights and go back inside. This is how I take care of my rabbit.

  4. Keri >P.

    One resposibilities at hom is to wash the clothes.

    1.I seperate the clothes!
    2.put in wash!
    3.Tke out and put in dryer when finished washing!
    4.And last i fold clothes when done drying!

    I like this chore be cause i can do other stuff during this chore.

  5. First,put it in the garage
    Then,you polish it
    Third,I check the tire pressure
    last,I hose it down
    thats how I take care of my fourwheller
    Jenah Roberts

    This is how you clean your room. It's SIMPLE!
    First, you make up your bed nice and neat.
    Next, you put your clothes in the hamper.
    Then, make sure your shoes are put up neatly.
    Finally,make sure your TV is turned off!! That's wasting electricity. That's how you clean your room. Be RESPONSIBLE!! Keep your room clean, and you'll be responsible.

  7. One responcibility at home I have is to feed and water my pets.

    First I take a big bucket of water out to my dog.
    Then I take food out to him also.
    Next I water and feed my inside pets, My cats my dog and fish.
    Then I go around and see how they are doing and play with them.

  8. one of my task are fix the coffe for the morning and wheres how I do it

    1.get out coffe
    2.get out coffe fillter
    3.dip the coffe in the filter
    4.pour the water in the pot
    and thier you got it!!

  9. My responsiblities at are to feed my dog

    First I clean out its bowl.
    second I give them a scoop of dog food.
    Then i give it water.
    Last I give it to them.

  10. Tatiana p.
    One thing that i am responsible for is turning in my home work for school.
    1.first when i get home and unpack my stuff.
    2.i get my pencil out and start writing the Q
    3.when i write the Question i do the work.
    4.when i am finished i put everthing away and go play outside.

  11. Jas-Elen F.

    Frist, I get up
    Then, i brush my teeth
    Next,i undress
    after undressing i put my fresh clothes on
    finally, i am ready
    this is a trait of responsibility.

  12. Hannah Polley

    1. I get up for school.
    2. I get my clothes on.
    3. I brush my teeth.
    4. I get my things together and go to school!

  13. We should be responsible because if you want something you got to earn it by showing your parents or teachers the responsibleity that you have so that you can get want you want if you be really respondsible. Another way you can be respondsible is that you can show your mom and dad that you have enoth respondsibleity so you can get anything you want to not exspendsive stuff like playstation's, gameboys, D.S., computers or other games like that or motoercycles but you can get like a big ice cream or something else cheap like bouncey balls.
    Exavier Perkins

  14. One thing I am responsibitie is to fed our pets at home in the morning, when i get home, and before bed time.The first step for me is to get a small cup and dip it into the cat food. Step two open the door. The thrid step is to empty out any wet or old food in there bowl. The last step is to dump the food into the bowl. Onther responsinitie for have every thing for school ready before I go to school. The frist step for me is to make sure I have all my homework done for school. The second step is to make sure I get all my things signed. The last step is to put everything into my backpack. Onther thing I am respoinitie for is to give my pets water. The frist step is to check if the water is forzen if it is then I have to take there water bowl into the house and turn on the hot water and let the ice melt. On the other hand if it is not forzen to dump the water out. The second and the last step is to get water and dump the water into there water bowl

  15. There are alot of things that hart to do with responsibility.To do thes things you jest,well you jest haft to prepair your self for school,never forget any thing to take home.Do not for get your jobs at home and at school.If you have animuls like farets,pigs,dogs,cats,ect.you need to feed and water them.So do your jobs!
