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Monday, August 30, 2010


Why are maps important for us to understand?  What are a few ways that people use maps?  Please write at least five sentences.  THEN, complete the activity on the link below.

Map Activity


  1. Maps are important to understand, because if you have a G.P.S. it might die or not get charged so it will shut down. Then you wouldn't have anything to do on a important trip. You may get lost on your way there, if your G.P.S. doesn't work and you don't know how to use a map! You might be in the middle of nowhere and everything besides a map, doesn't work, to tell you how to get to the place you are going to. That is why maps are important to know how to read.

  2. Maps are important to us because if your phone is not working then. You mite be something else you can use but if it is not working then. You will use a map because that is your back up plan. That will be the last thing you will use. That is what you will do.

  3. There are many diffent kind's of map's in the globe! I think that's really cool. My personal opinon of a map is GPS.

  4. Maps are important to understand because if your GPS ran out of battery you would have to use a map. You should always bring a map for backup. Your GPS could very easily lose signal. Then if that does happen then you need to know how to use a map.
