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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Today's Assembly

Describe the assembly we had this morning. Tell details and use strong words. You will be graded on your grammar and punctuation on this blog entry :o)


  1. Hi my name is wesley and i am going to tell you about the assembly today. The asembly was about respect. And it was about trust wethy and trust wethyness. Responseble is when someone tells you take care of somthing that you do that and take care of it so it will not get lost or stollen or got toren up like someone rips the pages out of it and if you do not do that you are not responesble. And trust wethy is somthing you have to give like book or a ipod or somthing like that you have to trust them to let them borow it. And trust wethyness is the same thing as trust wrhty.

  2. Austin

    Today`s assembly was about truswothyness. There was this huge screen and we watched a video for about twenty minutes about pepole that trust others in sports and in class and pepole that don`t trust pepole at all because they got bullyed. There was this blind kid in both eyes and he was on his high school swim team and he trusted everyone on the swim team to help him dive and swim. He depended on them to tell hime when to stop and when to go. So he had trust in those pepole to improve him in swimming.

  3. Cheyenne L

    Today we had an assembly about trustworthyness. We watched a video about people that have no trust to other people. This one guy on there is blind in both eyes and he is on the swim team. I think that is amazing. Also there was a guy and every morning he woke up at 6:30 and takes a 10 mile jog. Then he goes home and eats and then he goes for another run. I couldn't do that even if it was for 1,000,000 dollars. There was also this little girl who failed a test and then her best friend went to hug her because she was sad. So as you can see trustworthyness is very important.

  4. Todays assembly was about trust. I think trust is inmornt because if you can't trust anone not even your self then thats pretty bad. What I think you sould trust at least three pepole and if you can't do that then you need to trust pepole even with the smallst things. Such as a marble let them keep it for a week then ask for it back if they have it trust them if they don't don't trust them. Now think about this what if the wole world could not trust each other that would not e good.

  5. Today's assembly was about trustworthy,and respect.1.Trustworthy is a really big word, and it also means so much,you just can't lie to a person like that either.Trustworthy means that you can trust someone [like tell them a secret] but you got to be able to trust them first.2.The second thing is respect.Respect is when you are nice to someone, and they are nice to you.One thing that is not respectful, is when you bully someone, or be mean to someone, that is not right at all.Respect can also mean doing somthing nice to the other person, and not letting your anger out on them.[THE END]

  6. Mallary B.
    Today's assembly was terrific. We watched a video about trust. I thought that it was awesome. It had music too. There was a lot of people singing to the songs and it was loud with the bombing sound of the speakers. I thought this was the most awesome assembly that we have had all year long.

  7. Ericah
    Today we had an assembly. The assembly was about character traits. He showed us real life videos about not being trustworty and not being honest and some videos about being trustworthy. It proved that if you were trustworthy you will have more freinds.

    :)Be happy

  8. Jas-Elen F.
    Today i am going to tell you about our assembly and it was asome and amazing at the same time. This assembly was all about Can You tust people. and the viedeo was like about people in school and they were talking about ways people hurt them inside school and they tried to say sorry right after they did it and the person would always say no and the person would keep beging to be their friends again and all i have to say is i hope i can trust you but the question is can you trust me. try to answer my question and io guess it's so long for know.Bye.

  9. Wyatt

    The asimbley today was a life teaching leson and great etertament.It had vidos of kids.Great music to some frome Toby Mac,Nickle Back and more.It was kinda fun and kinda not.Today's vido was about trustworthyness.

  10. Jas-Elen F.
    Today is free write {so cool}. Today i am going to write about the day i went to six flags. Six flags was so cool while me, my brother,Kable, and my mom were in the car we stopped at Mc. Donalds we went through the drive way and went on down the road to the mos t famous six flags. It took about 2 hours to get there from were we just left.We finally got there and while we were walking we were looking at the beautiful rides. we got the ticket's and got in line and while we were waiting we all danced to the chacha slide and other people were to as soon as we got in there were looney toon characters and well, we wanted to get our picture tooken with them but they ran off so we got our picture tooken by our selves. Right after that me and my cousin got on a ride and more rides and so did my brother and my mom and then we went across the bridge and got in the wavy pool and rides and more and more and we also got to play a game and got cups and at the end we saw the bald gu y on t.v who says things. bye.

  11. Hannah P.
    I am going to talk about what I do when I get home after school. When I get home from school I mostly jump on my tramperliene with my brother's. Then after that we go and play the playstation with them. Then we go and watch T.V or movies. This is what I do when I get home from school.

  12. Tatiana P.
    Today it is kind of weird because today we are having centers with MRS.Taylors class.Also some of MS.Manoni's class went to MRS.Taylors class and some of MRS.taylor's class came to my class.Oooh....yeah guess what I am partnered with 3 boys and my self.So now you know what happened today.
