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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Writing Prompt

Please add to this with at least 5 sentences...

This morning, when I looked in the mirror, I saw...


  1. When I looked in the mirror I saw....... a boy on my body! The weird boy started talking to me, it was kinda weird. I thought I was dreaming, but it was! I pinched myself, woke up, went to look in the mirror and I actually saw......a girl on my body, but it wasn't my head! It started talking, I wanted to faint but I didn't.

  2. When I looked in the mirror I saw.......... SNAKES COMING OUT OF MY HEAD!!! I looked like a mini Medusa. I was going to scream, but my mom would of flipped out. So I didn't. I had to be hallucinating. But i juped up and down, shook my head, slapped myself and I finally woke up. But then I went back to the mirror and saw.... FROGS ON MY HEAD!!!! Oh goodness!

  3. This morning when I looked in the mirror I saw...... my hair all weird looking. So I tried to fix it but it would not go down. My dad said come on you will late for school! Then I said okay so I got in the car and went to school. I tried to fix it while I was walking down the hall way then my teacher said here let me help you and then she fixed it and I said thanks Mrs.preis!

  4. when I looked in the mirror I saw my mom I scremed! Thats not the best thing to see when I wake up cause that prombley means I am in troble. I was because I woke up my sisters to early. So mom got mad bcause my sisters were grumy not a big suprise. So I got ready and walked in the living room were I saw my brother was nut in there he was still asleep. I went in there and shouted and he woke up to but I got in big trouble then. So I pretty much was graneded when I got home from school

  5. When I looked in the mirror I saw......a zombe behind me and it started to talk to me in a wired voice,it was scary to.I know it was a dream and it was so i slaped my self and i woke up.Then i saw a pritey girl and it was me.

  6. when i look in the mirror i saw the most hansome thing in the world. it was me!i wanted to say it was a dream but i would not wake up . so i new it had to be in real life because pintched my arm as hard as i could & nothing happend.i wanted to say i was the hottest thing in the world .but i dident want to get carried away.
