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Sunday, December 20, 2009


Enjoy your break!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The End of 2009

It's almost 2010- and we are half way done with 5th grade.  We can't wait for the holidays and for a new year to begin!  Here are our New Years Resolutions for 2010:

1) To be nice to others as often as we can
2) To make new friends
3) To work hard in school and get good grades
4) To have better manners - say please, thank you, holding doors for others
5) To be respectful to everyone- adults, other kids, and family members

In the spirit of the holidays, our class has made a promise.  Our promise is to not bully others and trust our neighbors.  This is very important to us because we know how it feels to be bullied and we don't ever want anyone else to feel that way.  We are going to show all of the visitors that come in for our celebration tomorrow that we are a respectful, wonderful class.  We are champions in our elementary school.  Thank you for viewing our blog this year- See you in 2010.


Holiday Spirit

No matter what religion you believe in, each has important dates (holidays) that are important.  Usually during the holidays, you will see people being extra kind to one another by doing them favors, getting them gifts, or just simply helping them out if they need it.  Share two examples that you have seen of "holiday spirit."  If you can't think of any examples, share how you could contribute with your own "holiday spirit."  Also in class, we discussed how people can "pay it forward."  This means- when someone does something nice for you, you go on and do something nice for someone else.  We talked about how great that is- if you have any examples of paying it forward, share them here!  Write at least 5 sentences. 

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Trust and Honesty

Yesterday, we had a trust circle during class.  You were then asked to write a reflection on that trust circle.  Discuss it here- please don't use names or personal issues, but tell about how the trust circle worked, what you thought of it, and any suggestions you have for next time.  Write at least 5 sentences.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Star Letter- Ben

 Today, we wrote *star letters* to our classmate, Ben.  We think Ben is a good friend, and very funny.  He smiles a lot, and is very smart.  We all think he is such a nice guy!  He is very confident and good at making decisions.  He is also a very hard worker.  We enjoy having him as part of our class this year!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Yesterday, you noticed that sometimes while persuading someone, you can also mislead them.  This happens most often in commercials.  We learned that there are "make-up artists" for fast-food commercials, and that sometimes products don't work correctly.  How did it make you feel to learn those things?  Why is it important for us to learn the persuasive techniques How can they help you avoid these situations? Write at least 7 sentences.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Bandwagon is a persuasive technique that makes the viewer believe that he/she should do something because everyone else is doing it.  This has been done with many good things, such as donating to specific charities, or helping out different causes, but has also been done in the past with smoking, or other things that are harmful to the body.  Think about a time where someone or something (an adult, a commercial, a salesman) has almost or actually convinced you or a family member to do something using the bandwagon idea.  Write at least 6 sentences about this time.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Rocket Word Tag

Try this! This game asks players to identify nouns and verbs.  See how well you can do!  The easiest ways to remember what nouns and verbs are is to think of this:

Noun: Person, Place, Thing (chair, school, mother, father)

Verb: Action word (run, swim, played, sank)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Try Xtranormal

Xtranormal is an animation site where you can make your own movies.  It is challenging, but very fun!  Try using the site, and making a video, and saving it.  It must be appropriate for school and include dialogue (speaking).  Practice using the site so we can make videos later in the month to present to the class.  

1) Go to the Xtranormal Website 
2) In the top corner of the site, there is a Sign In button.  Please press it to sign in with this:
Username: MsManonisClass
Password: Cartmell09
3) Choose a ShowPak for your movie- this is basically just a background

4) From here, explore the different options.  You can do 1-2 actors, and do all different types of speech, camera angles, movements, emotions, etc. SAVE YOUR VIDEO WITH YOUR FIRST NAME!